2008年3月6日 星期四


如何在空中按下快門? 不是 定時 就是 遙控 這兩種方法。 以下是 A. Batut (1890) "Aerial Photography by Kite" 書中關於如何在空中按下快門的摘錄:

THE WICK - We have to choose between two modes of release, one elegant and ingenious which will allow us to operate the system at the precise moment considered favourable, but expensive, somewhat heavy and cumbersome: electricity. The other, simple, even primitive method will invariably function at the pre-set moment, regardless of whether the moment is ill-timed, either because the wind is falling, or because a cloud is masking the sun, but so light and cheap that nothing else comes near it: it is the time fuse. It is this latter means of relase that we prefer; and so much so that it is the one which we descrive in detail. If, during our experiments, it sometimes operated untimely, we must concede that the wick nver went out and that the release mechanism never came down without having been activated...

當我看到這段文字時,心情是非常喜悅的,原來祖師爺也是利用在空中拍照的。除了Batut,比利時的 R. Desclee 利用風箏所拍攝的照片(1910-1939 ),也都是利用wick(燭蕊)定時系統來擊發快門的。一百年後的今天,利用紅外線遙控 rig 與 shutter 已是易事,但利用 wick 或 joss stick (香)進行風箏攝影還是一件很有趣的事。
