2009年3月10日 星期二


A. 生態調查
Aber, J. S., S. W. Aber, et al. (2006). "Small format aerial photography for assessing change in wetland vegetation, Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas." Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 109(1/2): 47-57.

Aber, J. S., D. Eberts, et al. (2005). "Application of kite aerial photography: Biocontrol of salt cedar (Tamarix) in the western United States." Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 108(1/2): 63-66.

Aber, J. S., J. Wallace, et al. (2002) "Response of forest to climatic events and human management at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas." Current Research in Sciences, Bulletin 248, part 1, 24 pp. (http://www.kgs.ku.edu/Current/2002/aber/aber.pdf)

Miyamoto, M., K. Yoshino, et al. (2004). "Use of balloon aerial photography for classification of Kushiro wetland vegetation, Northeastern Japan." Wetlands 24(3): 701-710.

Trathan, P. N. (2004). "Image analysis of color aerial photography to estimate penguin population size." Wildlife Society Bulletin 32(2): 332-343.

B. 地形調查
Boike, J. and K. Yoshikawa (2003). "Mapping of periglacial geomorphology using kite/balloon aerial photography." Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 14(1): 81-85. (http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/fulltext/104084579/PDFSTART)

Smith, M. J., J. Chandler, et al. (2009). "High spatial resolution data acquisition for the geosciences: kite aerial photography." Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 34(1): 155-161.

C. 考古
Rubio, J. M., J. G. Lahoz, et al. (2005). IMAP3D: Low-cost photogrammetry for cultural heritage. CIPA 2005 XX International Symposium, 26 Semptember -01 October, 2005, Torino, Italy. (http://cipa.icomos.org/fileadmin/papers/Torino2005/447.pdf)

2009年3月5日 星期四


1. 課程簡介,影片欣賞(98.02.25)
2. 飛行的科學,製作紙風箏(98.03.04)
3. KAP簡介,製作平面風箏 (98.03.11)
4. KAP風箏(學生報告): Cody, Conyne, Delta, Dopero, Eddy, Flow Form, Rokkaku, Sled & Fled (98.03.18)
5. KAP歷史,製作Dopero風箏 (98.04.01)
6. KAP的應用(學生報告) (98.04.08/15)
7. 介紹&製作rig (98.04.22)
8. 製作rig
9. 環景圖
10. 定座標與拼接照片
11+. KAPing…(98.04.29/98.05.13)